Collection: Trolley Wheel & Brackets

Strut brackets, also known as U brackets, are essential for securely mounting struts and pipes in a variety of applications. Unistrut brackets, which are designed to work with the Unistrut framing system, provide even greater flexibility and ease of installation. The U-shaped bracket design allows for easy attachment to walls, ceilings, and other surfaces, and provides a sturdy base for attaching and supporting piping, conduit, and other equipment. U clamp brackets are another common type of U-shaped metal bracket, which feature a clamping mechanism for securing pipes or tubes in place. These brackets are commonly used in plumbing and HVAC applications. U-shaped brackets for mounting are a versatile option that can be used for a range of mounting applications, including attaching signs, shelves, and other objects to walls or ceilings. U hook brackets are similar in design to U-shaped brackets, but with a hook or loop at the end for hanging objects such as tools or cables. Whether you need a strut bracket, a U bracket, or any other type of U-shaped metal bracket, there are many options available to meet your specific needs.